Why don’t you call me sometime when you have no class.

I’ve been wanting to write a blog for some time now that wasn’t about my personal issues or my (usually awful) experiences in the dating world. I’ve wanted to post more about current events but there’s so much going on, where would I start? As news breaks, I’ll usually comment about it on Facebook and then brace myself for the mud slinging. From both political sides. Even people who underneath it all essentially agree with me find a way to pick apart some small piece of what I say or what was written in an article I repost or meme I share. The people who agree and don’t still pick me apart go to war against the opposing side. I used to write about diet plans or workout plans I tried. My 21 Day Fix blog has had nearly 3100 views. I haven’t dieted or worked out in a long time so I have nothing new to offer the world in that regard. I’ve read lately about changes with the Boy Scouts and have heard great arguments on both sides. I was just about to write about that. Then this happened and it pulled my heartstrings.

“The end of class.” These simple words were said today by Brian Williams about… well, in response to Kelly Sadler’s comments yesterday about Senator John McCain in combination with Donald Trump’s comments about McCain during the election regarding his time as a POW. He’s right. It’s one thing when we, ignorant fools make stupid comments amongst our audience of a few Facebook “friends” but when these classless, insensitive, rude, crude, disgusting comments come from the top, and it’s acceptable… we are a nation with no class.

Politically I disagree almost always with Senator McCain. I voted for him twice in my lifetime for senate, not in recent elections however. I could not vote for him during his presidential run. His 30 year career in the senate exemplifies what I think one of the biggest problems with our government is- no term limits. He’s not conservative enough for Republicans and well, he’s far from liberal. But he is a human. An American. Someone who risked his life for this country and was captured for this country and served his entire life to this country. Anyone with the slightest amount of patriotism should hold him in high regard and treat him with respect. Just because we don’t agree with each other doesn’t mean we have to be disrespectful. It’s called class. WE HAVE NO CLASS!

When this country questioned the legitimacy of a birth certificate because it belonged to a black man, we accepted it. When this country would vote for a man who mocks the disabled. We accepted this. When this country voted for a man who openly cheats on his partners without question, we accepted this. When this country voted for a man who grabs women- potentially your mother, wife, or daughter- by the pussy and forces them to kiss, we accepted this. When we allow people to work in our White House who openly disrespect someone who is more of an American, and who’s opinion means every bit as much as anyone else in this country, we accepted this. When gun sales increase as children are dying, we accepted this. When we’d rather close off an entire nation because a few bad apples get in, we accepted this. When we’d ask people who need help to first take a drug test, we accepted this. When we’d shame a women for a horribly difficult choice she made, we accepted this. When time and time again we prove we are far from perfect but fail to admit it and instead continue to pretend we’re the best, that’s when we told the world we accept it.

Cindy McCain’s response showed class. A lot more class than mine or my mother’s response would have been had someone dismissed someone we love and saying they’re “dying anyway.”

I think it’s a shame when we spend our whole lives doing or saying what people within our “group” want us to. When we feel like we can’t express our true opinions because it’s not popular with the group. We can’t compromise because our group will treat you like an outcast. It’s another reason why our government is broken. We put our group, our party, over ourselves and each other. I think at times McCain the politician didn’t match up with McCain the man. It’s sad when McCain the man stands up for what he believes in and his own group turns against him. Politics has no class. It’s sad that people dismiss him because he’s got nothing to lose now. Americans have no class.

About paulhoffman23

A gay 40-year old writing about whatever comes to mind.
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